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Traveling with your Casablanca editor

Traveling with your Casablanca

Over the past decade I have traveled many miles with my Casablanca video editors, presenting workshops and demonstrations. I thought it useful to share some tips and ideas that may be of interest to you in case you are going to travel with your Casablanca editor


There are two kinds of travel cases to use with your editor – hard case or soft case. I have used both – my preference the last few years has been to use a soft case for my editor and bring it on as carry-on baggage.

SoftCaseSoft Case  I have a great bag that just fits my S4000 PRO (it also fits the Prestige, Kron or AVIO perfectly – the Renommee/Plus model fits as well but is VERY tight). If you are using a soft case for your editor I recommend placing the unit feet down along the side of the hinge of the pouch – that way you know where the top is. I choose to set the case in the overhead luggage compartment with the feet down. I am also very careful as I move through an airport, on airport shuttles, etc. to not let anyone else handle the case and to ensure it does not fall down. I have been very fortunate not to have an issue with the unit while traveling but again, I am careful not to let it become shaken or thrown about causing potential unseated components (which means a dead editor at my destination).

HardCaseHard Case: I still use a hard case to bring my Renommee Plus along with me to workshops. This used to be available through your Casablanca reseller - there remains a model available through MS DE for customers in Eurpoe.  For North American customers - try the Model xxx from xxx.

This case also snugly fits the editor. Now if you are traveling with a Sollitaire/Plus you must use the hard case (if you can get your Solitaire as a carry-on we need to talk... you are the subject for a great interview :) ).

If you are traveling via airline – know that the editor (with the hard drive) weighs in exactly at 50-pounds. If you travel on the airlines much you know that is a magic number... that is the limit for checked baggage without paying a premium for over-weight luggage! The case I have does have a small space under the editor in the foam to place cables, trackball, etc. but I only use that if I am traveling via vehicle – if I am flying this little extra stuff would send me over the 50-pound weight and cause me to pay a premium for the freight.

Since both cases allow pretty much only space for the editor I have a small canvas bag for my cables and trackball. This bag goes into my suitcase (security appreciates when you have items like this together in one bundle I am told). When packing up I suggest you remove your trackball ball from the device and place it in the bag. When we did lots of trade show exhibits with Macro System US we found the trackballs held up longer/better when they were taken out (the ball can be pressed into the tiny metal probes, causing pitted balls and lowering performance).


I also came upon a cool travel item in the last couple of years – a keyboard that rolls up! This is a USB keyboard where the keys are embedded in thick rubber. It rolls up and can be easily stowed in your suitcase. This is much easier than carrying the traditional Casablanca keyboard (trust me, I have more than once ended at my destination missing a key or two from the trip). I should note this keyboard has a feel that is not the same as a 'regular' keyboard' The keys are firmer to press down but I find it convenient to use when on the road.

I have found more hotels in recent years provide a TV in the room with audio/video inputs that work great for us traveling editors! If you want to ensure you have a monitor for your editing – you might consider traveling with one of the small portable DVD players or miniDV decks with the built-in monitor and a video input.

Packing List

  • Casablanca Editor
  • Power cord (for editor)
  • Trackball
  • S-video cable to monitor
  • RCA/Phono (pair) to monitor*
  • DV cable (for connecting to your camera)

*In some monitor situations they do not provide S-video input but have the yellow RCA/Phono composite input. I then use one RCA cable for audio and the other for the video monitoring.

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis