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Is this blank disk a DVD or a CD?

There is a useful thread running this weekend on the Cassie Tips List. It started with a colleague who was having difficulty burning a DVD on her Casablanca Prestige.  After several suggestions, she discovered she was attempting to burn her (DVD) project onto CD media. As the CD does not have anywhere near the capacity, it would not work (DVD capacity = 4,700,000 bytes : CD capacity = 700,000 bytes).

After her discovery, folks shared their methods to keep the different media types identified in their edit suite... from putting labels & stickers on the stack of media (outer plastic) to labeling the clear plastic disk with 'CD' or 'DVD' and leaving that on the top of the media stack.

Here is yet another suggestion -- if you find yourself wondering if that stray disk is a DVD or CD, there is a newer feature in Arabesk 4 that will assist you.

Insert your media/disk into the Casablanca internal DVD drawer and click on the 'Media info' button found in the bottom right side of the Arabesk 4 menu (under Miscellaneous).

This will show you the details on your media - whether it is recorded or blank, disk type, even the burning speed capacity.  A nice little function for us.

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis