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Chet Davis: Your Technology Tutor

A few months after I launched my Casablanca Expert business (website, webinars and tutorial DVDs) I had a couple of customer/members recommend that I also provide training in other technologies.  They said "Chet, you are such a good teacher, and so many people have the need to learn other technology in addition to their Casablanca"  So I began blogging (writing an online journal about tehcnology news & tips that were of interest to me, and I thought to others as well).

I am pleased to say I have posted more than 250 entries in my blog at, and now offer both on-site and virtual (online) training/tutoring in personal technology. You can read more on the website if you like.  You can also subscribe to receive, via email, my regularly posts on a variety of technology. Here is a look at my three most recent posts/articles:
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Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis