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Ask The Expert: Learning the Audio Envelope functions QUESTION: I know there is no shortage of subjects to be covered in the process of teaching Casablanca stuff, but I was wondering if you would cover a lesson on ''Rubber banding''? I'm sure there are written instructions on how to master rubber banding, but it is ALWAYS much easier to grasp when there is somebody onscreen actually SHOWING the process involv I have wanted to use rubber banding several times in my very own productions, but I have found that doing the rubber banding parts of my Projects (and failing miserably) becomes a major ''Project'' in itself. ANSWER: Yes, in fact I do have a streaming video tutorial on the use of the Audio Envelope. You can view that on my website here: Using the Envelope (Rubber Banding) in your Audio Mix menu This 9-minute clip is taken from the Casablanca Foolproof Volume 1 Tutorial DVD. If you have that, check disk 3, film 2 for this and more instruction in the Audio Mix Menu... |