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Ask The Expert: Can We Convert NTSC to PAL in the Casablanca?

QUESTION: Can I convert a finished project in my Casablanca editor into the PAL format?

ANSWER:  *If you're unfamiliar with the foundation of this question see the notes below*
The short answer is that we cannot convert from NTSC to PAL in the Casablanca editor.

You'd have to edit using the PAL version of the Casablanca OS - in addition to taking your NTSC finished video and having it converted by a company that has the conversion gear - you could also use the Windows Movie Maker software. I have not tried this myself, but see you can apparently do this - here's an online tutorial:

To answer your other question - we cannot convert from NTSC to PAL in the Casablanca editor.
You'd have to edit using the PAL version of the Casablanca OS - in addition to taking your NTSC finished video and having it converted by a company that has the conversion gear - you could also use the Windows Movie Maker software. I have not tried this myself, but see you can apparently do this - here's an online tutorial:

NOTE: NTSC is the acronym for National Television Standard Committee (or Commission). This is the TV color standard agreed up on for North America and Japan.  PAL is the acronym for Phase Alternating by Line - the TV color standard used in much the rest of the world (I know there is SECAM, SECAM-M and Monochrome but I would venture to say PAL covers most of the rest of the world). 

They are not compatible with each other. You can purchase TV sets, DVD players, and VCRs, etc. that will display both formats but most folks in the United States have equipment that will only display NTSC.  The becomes important if you are sending one of your productions to a country that uses a different color standard.  There is more info on this topic here: What Are Color TV Standards?  If you're preparing a DVD for overseas also be aware of the DVD Region Codes - learn about that here: What Are DVD Region Codes?

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis