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March Get Together 2013 Cancelled - Possibly a MGT 2014

If you're on the email distribution list for the MGT - March Get Togehter you have already received news that the 9th annual Conference has been cancelled.  Started by Casablanca enthusiast Jim Meeker, Sr. back in March of 2004, this multi-day conference brought together Casablanca folks from all over North America - and a few from the United Kingdom as well!

This past year saw the MGT open the conference agenda to editing platforms outside the Casablanca product line -- with presentations on Apple's Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere & After Effects, and SpeedEDIT by NewTek.  It's my understanding that an MGT Organizing Committee, who volunteered to help Jim with this event, recommended this move to interest folks outside the Casablanca community and also to expose Casablanca enthusiasts to other technologies that might compliment their Casablanca editing tool/s.

From Jim Meeker's eMail:

... Sadly, after adding up the registrations for the 2013 MGT and taking into consideration that the goal was to give an early registration discount, to get an early start on paying the expenses for the next year's event, so we could afford to hire speakers who wanted to be paid for their efforts......the numbers are just not there!

...taking into account the reality of the financial situation, I must cancel the 2013 March Get Together, with hopes that we might be able to hold it again the following year in 2014 as a semi-annual event instead of every year, at least until the economy turns around and people are back to being enthusiastic about their financial futures.

If you would like to ensure you remain informed about the future of the March Get Together - MGT you can visit the website here:  

Better yet, I would suggest you sign-up on the Email list on this web page: Join Us - MGT Contact List.


Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis