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Bogart v8 New Features

NOTE: The following information about new features in the Bogart v8 Operating System was translated from the German language on the Macro Motion website here.  The thoroughness and accuracy of the translation is subject to errors or omission. This should provide a strong sense of the capabilities of the new software.


Bogart 8 logo

The Bogart SE Version 8 enhances the Casablanca - 3 systems as of 2008 ( S2000 to S6000 , Karat, Topaz, SL -1000) to include new functions . According to the wishes of the faithful Bogart users many improvements to the workflow and ease of use have been integrated into the new OS version .

If you do not know Bogart SE editing software , we recommend to start the basic philosophy , which since 1996 repeatedly advanced video editing software . Bogart 8 includes many new features compared to the v7 that simplify video editing and improve the creative workflow


The Media Pool is an archive - where the video scenes and audio sample can be stored and archived. The main features include:
  • Switchable in video and audio editing
  • Access out of all projects
  • Remain stored content ausschaltfest
  • Replaces and extends the clipboard ( temporary storage )
  • Scenes stores in different formats (including several parallel )
  • Automatic conversion at non-matching formats
  • Easy operation by click or drag & drop
  • Supports folders for better organization
  • Undo Recovers deleted scenes or entire folders back
  • Separate backup through Sentry
With these new features, Bogart 8 enables the user to decide much more freely about screen settings, sizes of icons, thumbnails, fonts, and the mouse pointer, depending on its hardware requirements and desires. Here are new features:
  •  The size of the control elements can be switched (font, mouse, little pictures, ...).
  • The size of the mouse adapts to the font size and can additionally also zoom in or out.
  • Many areas have been better suited to high-resolution displays and expanded (NOTE: some of the new displays are not available at lower resolutions).
  • Advanced options in the choice of color of the user interface (Silver/Gold Edition)
  • improved operation (brightness is changed),
  • Arbitrary structures for the background and the color of the mouse pointer can be changed
  • The change between the menus is simplified through a unified navigation bar.
  • When editing, you can now trim scenes directly in the small preview.
  • The help for switches without text now shows (if any) the PowerKey-assignment (can be disabled).
  • Project number and resolution are now displayed in the edit screen on the project name.
  • The current scene in the storyboard can be moved by dragging and dropping within the Storyboard or copied into the scene bin (Silver/Gold Edition).
  • The shuttle TT control is indicated by a small picture held by a Stern.
  • You can change settings directly via a new switch in some screens.
  • For most lists you can also switch and jump to the beginning and the end.
The effect menus have been redesigned and now offer a variety of new possibilities. 
  • Separate selection lists for Favorites (Gold Edition) or frequently used effects (min. Silver Edition, depending on resolution). 
  • Insertion / removal in the lists also drag and drop (min. Silver Edition). 
  • Permanently visible frame or animated loop preview (Gold Edition). 
  • Archive for individual effect settings (min. Silver Edition). 
  • Switch to reset the settings to defaults in many additional programs. 
The menu for audio dubbing has been reworked, with maximum options at higher resolutions: 
  • A restructured and unified interface for Storyboard and Timeline display 
  • Audio level meter even when the Storyboard views 
  • Improved and extended zoom capabilities in Timeline view (Gold Edition). 
  • More Storyboard presentation with scenes preview, audio track and piece of music info 
  • Switch to directly mute individual tracks 
  • Improved navigation (new switch, keyboard controller) 
  • Switch "storyboard calculate” 
  • The Image Pool has been improved (enhanced preview, Import grayscale images (Gold Edition)
  • When playing in the Export menu, you can now turn off the playback display
  • New endless play (loop mode?)
  • Automatic playback after the start-up (Silver/Gold Edition).

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis