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Casablanca Expert Video Challenge #2: Separate Chroma Scene


Here is this month's CasablancaExpert Video Challenge:
  BlueBox World

Video Challenge #2
Separate Chroma Scene

: To create a short scene using the Separate Chroma Effect
from Blue Box World


Length - maximum of 30-seconds, no minimum

Contents - must use Separate Chroma from BlueBox World, any other software in combination is allowable but must be described. The entire video must be edited on a Casablanca digital video editor.

Deadline - Your video must be uploaded and your notes sent via email to by 11:59PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, June 29, 2009

The Video Challenge is open only to members of

How to Submit your entry

1. Upload your video to your MotionBox or Vimeo account.
Send an email to Chet Davis
and include the following
2a. Your name
2b. Your online video information:
2b. MotionBox account name (leave MotionBox video ‘mixable' so I can pull into my account and them embed it)
2b. Vimeo account name and the password so I can access the video
2c.  The specific settings you used in BlueBox World to create the effect.  And please note if you used any other software in conjunction with the effect.

You can view the entries for the first challenge on my website here
During the July 7, 2009 Webinar I will randomly select from those qualified entries a name of the member who wins the private 1-hour Personal Tutor from the Casablanca Expert.

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis