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Troubleshooting - When your Casablanca software isn't behaving as you expect

I had a conversation with a website member just today and thought this may be of value to others in the Casablanca community. 

From time to time folks find that a particular piece of their Casablanca software isn't behaving as they expect... for example, it shuts down each time they attempt to render; or the software is missing a button or menu option.  In this instance, our colleague - working on a Casablanca Prestige - went to use QuadCam. The software appeared in the proper place in the list under the Special menu in the Edit Screen. But there was no buttons in the operator (should show 'Measure Cameras' & 'Start QuadCam')

Here are the steps I walked him through (and recommend to anyone who experiences odd add-on software behavior on their Casablanca editor)

  1. Check to ensure the software you are using is compatible with your editor (there are software products & specific versions that are for Smart Edit only and some for Bogart OS only). There is a listing here for NTSC customer:
  2. Boot down on an empty project (go to Project Settings, click & select a Project/folder with no other media, then turn off your Casablanca editor in that project).  Wait for 60 seconds or so, then restart. Enter same project and attempt the process again.
  3. Enter a different project where you have some video and try the software in that project.

If none of the above steps alleviates your issue, try the following (but first make sure you have both the appropriate 'All Software CD' & your software activation code sheet/list). 

  1. Enter the System Settings Screen
  2. Left click on Install Product
  3. Scroll & select the software which is 'mis-behaving'
  4. With that software highlighted/selected, left click on 'delete'
  5. Left click 'Ok' to close that menu.
  6. Go to Project Settings, click & select a Project/folder with no other media
  7. Turn off your Casablanca editor in that project -  wait for 60 seconds or so, then restart. Enter same project and attempt the process again.
  8. Open the disk drive and insert the 'All Software CD/DVD', close the disk and wait for minute or so (allowing the disk to be read)
  9. Go back into the System Settings screen
  10. Left click on Install Product and the menu should populate with the software - select the software (that you deleted just minutes ago) and left click on 'activate'. It should re-install the software.  On Smart Edit units it will activate, while Bogart users will need to enter the activation code (or use your archived codes from an external drive/device)
  11. Go back into your project and hopefully the software will appear normal and behave itself.

If not, you should consider contacting Tech Support.  In North America that would be a telephone call to (303) 801-1010.  Get ready to leave a voice message - leave your contact number, Casablanca serial #, and Operating System version # with a brief description of your issue.

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis