Motion 3D (1 & 2) - Motion 3D XL (1 & 2)
Learn the specifics to maximize your use of Motion 3D (1 & 2) - Motion 3D XL (1 & 2) software with the following Tutorials, Tips and Tricks:
Most Recent Tips
Casablanca Chat with Chet #100: Cool 3D Cube Effect
June 2019 Members Webinar: Software Triple Play
Webinar video: Full Motion Video Cube
Webinar VIdeo: Creating a Full Motion Video Cube, embedding Cube into PIP Effect
Creating a very cool full motion rotating cube
Chet details the process for using Motion 3D (pack 1) to create a full motion video cube -- this can be displayed by iteslf on screen or inserted as a PIP. This process was demonstrated in the Casablanca Webinar on 2/11/09 and is available as an
Archived Recording he